Monday, March 28, 2011

things I pray for...

I was given a little list of something to pray for, for Riley each day of the month. I really like it because sometimes I feel a little overwhelmed at the idea that Riley's future is esentially in my hands. So to pray for important things for Riley and knowingly put that responsiblity into the hands of God allows me to relax and just be the messenger. We all know God's better at raising up godly children than any of one of us could ever be! So I ask the Lord for something specific everyday. 

Today. Self-discipline. Tomorrow. Prayerfulness.

I asked the Lord that Riley would acquire a life of discipline and be prudent. I want him to do what's fair and right and just. As I asked this of the Lord, I realized that really none of these will come to be unless he first accepts the Lord into his life and as his savior {maybe that's why day one is salvation?!} But until Jesus comes to live in his heart, I'll get glimpses of God through my son. 

I love that the Lord reveals himself even in a 14-month old baby. 

Today when eating his morning snack {gold-fish, cheese and grapes} and sitting next to me, he looked over at me and stuck a gold-fish {it was soggy, yum} in my mouth, smiled, looked down and continued to to feed himself. The little gesture was sweet. He cares about others, he wants to share, he loves, he's tender-hearted...but that's not his nature, that's the Lord in him. I can't wait for the day he accepts Jesus into his heart. How much more then, will his love affect those around him? Oh, my sweet little Riley I can't wait to see Jesus in you each day. 

I pray for your salvation, growth in grace, love, honesty & integrity, self-control, love for God's word, justice, mercy, respect, biblical self-esteem, faithfulness, courage, purity, kindness, generosity, peace-loving, joy, perserverance, humility, compassion, responsibility, contentment, faith, a servant's heart, hope, willingness and ability to work, passion for God, self-discipline, prayerfulness, gratitude and a heart for missions.

I'm a firm believer the best things you can do for your children is to pray for them 


  1. Love this post! Such a great mama you are! :)

  2. *tear
    & yes i just realized i had a blog account from a year ago
    - Jordon

  3. That is too sweet. I would love to see your list. I think it is a wonderful idea!
