I'm feeling really revived this morning and finding the Lord in little things....
-I "slept in" this morning because the hubs quietly slipped out of bed at 5am and therefore I didn't wake up until 6:30!!
-Coffee was still hot when I woke up 'late'
-We found out last night that the mama doggie to our "soon to be puppy" has in fact been bred and is due mid April!
-Things with Hunter (my neighbor's 11 month old that I watch in the mornings) and Riley this morning honestly couldn't have gone any more smoother. Riley slept in until 9. Hunter came at 6:45, went to sleep at 7:30 and woke up about 9:30. Its a lot easier when one of them is asleep while feeding or rocking the other!
-I was able to talk to my friend Jordon Weldon this morning and just felt really encouraged and loved by her.
-Riley slept great last night and woke up SUPER happy!!
-Its not raining anymore and the sun is coming out so me, my new jogging stroller, Riley and the i-pod just might get a run in today!
-Oh and did I mention we, Lord willing and Maggie Palmblad willing are getting a PUPPY!!!! in JUNE!?!?!?! (more on this later!)
-We were given a really nice couch yesterday [which is replacing the one that Jason and Tyler broke by wresting on it approximately 2 months after we bought it; yes I was thrilled] from Meagan's family when we just "happened" to be in Albany with my dad's truck.
-My parents are all moved into their house here in Lebanon! Its SOOOO nice to have them close! I love it.
Seriously, I am just feeling the Lord's peace in my home right now. Its the kind of day when I just want to turn up some worship music, dance around with Riley and enjoy all that's been given to me! Wow am I blessed!
What a wonderful day! =)