Hello!! And welcome to our new little bundle of JOY!
Riley John Grove
was born on January 8th at 9:58am weighing 8lbs 8ozs and 20.25in long. We couldn't be more thrilled with this little man. Giving birth is the single most amazing thing I have ever experienced in my life. The grace that God has given in regards to experiencing severe pain and 20seconds later being able to forget about it and hold a baby is just amazing. I litterally find myself these last few weeks trying to remember what it felt like, but its somehow hidden in my memory.
My mom came and stayed with us for the first week we were home and that made transitioning into life with a little baby at home a lot easier for Tyler and I. Tyler was off of work for about a week, so that was a huge blessing to have him home with Riley and I.
Riley is just thrilled with Tyler, I find him snuggling on Tyler's chest, fast asleep and content all the time. We can't wait to see Riley's little personality to come out. It has in bits and pieces so far. He's a happy baby, very punctual and has recently decided that he doesn't like having his diaper changed. This week Riley is learning that he has a little voice and is not afraid to show it. He has been "talking" a lot more this week! Tyler and I are so blessed by this little guy.
I find myself just staring at him throughout my day and being amazed that I was given this gift. While I can't wait to watch him meet milestones and develop, I pray that the Lord allows me to count the seconds and treasure each one as they pass by. Afterall, the biggest piece of advice that I am given by other parents is to enjoy each moment because time passes by "too quickly".
Tyler and I have really had some good times in the middle of the nights waking up with Riley. Actually, I have been entertained by Tyler in the middle of the night. With every little noise or peep that Riley makes, I am wide awake, but Tyler takes a little more encouragement to wake up. One night, I was getting ready to feed Riley and asked Tyler to hand me a pillow and he gets out of bed and hands me the water glass that was sitting on the nightstand. I handed it back to him and said, no honey the pillow, he then proceeds to hand me the journal sitting on his nightstand. Finally, he woke up and the pillow was mine!
Then the very next night, Tyler and I woke up to feed Riley (its NEVER ENDING!!) and I asked, yet again for that infamous pillow, and he responds like this "Cannon? Its the only cannon I know about and its not ready to be shot" I have no idea where that came from or what he was dreaming about, but that response is something that I will never forget!!
Well back to caring for my little man. Keep updated for pictures and news about our boy!!
Tyler, Aubrey and Riley
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