Monday, August 27, 2012


I kinda don't know what to write this morning, but I want to stay apart of the monday I'm sitting here asking the Lord to speak through me 'cause that's the whole point of writing, that I might learn and that someone else might learn from our Father through my bits of ramblings. 

Summer is about to come to a close. And as this season closes I think of the seasons that we go through in our lives spiritually, emotionally. Some are bright and fun and cheery, some are drab and dull and some are just outright painful and dark. 

My family is in a particularly painful season right now. I've not prayed nearly enough about it, but somehow the Lord has remained faithful to us despite my wayward approach. I've been recently convicted that I need to pour my heart and soul into prayer and concern for the issues at hand despite my fear and unsurities I might feel. 

The mother that I long to be is one that tags my children along with me through our seasons of life and teach them to shout for joy, give thanks, and get on our knees when appropriate. In this particular time, however, I've noticed that with my son especially, that I want to protect him. I want to act like everything is ok. I want his season to be cheery and bright at all times. 

"Let the little children come to Me, and do not hider them..." Mark 10:14

God's heart is so big and open to His children, especially the little ones. While Riley doesn't need to know all the little details, he can be included in our prayer time. In fact, I think the Lord is certainly blessed to receive prayers of a two year old for his family. I want him to learn that no matter our circumstance, the Lord is always constant. He is our Rock. He is our foundation.

I want my children to seek the Lord with their whole hearts in every circumstance they find themselves in. What better way than to seek the Lord and pray as a family for those we love. What better way to teach our children of God's constant love than to seek Him in times of pain and in times of joy. 

I believe a child's relationship with the Lord can form a lot earlier than we think or consider. I don't want to hinder such a sweet relationship. I want to encourage it. I want to nurture it. I want to hold his hand as we pray together for things that so desperately need prayer. I might, out of fear, want to "protect" him, but including him at the throne of Jesus is so much better. 

{this post was written for "Mindful Mothering Mondays" head on over to read more posts and encouragement from other mamas. If you have posts you'd like to include, all are welcome!}

1 comment:

  1. Sorry it took me a few days to catch up on my blogs! I that you mention the mother you long to be. I've been thinking about that lately, too. If I could create a wonderful mother for my children, what would that look like? Good thoughts. Thank you for linking up!
